We are focused on bringing a doctor-owned medical spa to your town providing top notch quality care to your already established patients. This keeps your patients local in your community, not leaving to other cities to have these procedures done by people they have yet to build a relationship. These are your patients and keeping them supporting local business and helping them to achieve that look and self-care they desire and deserve. 

You are a physician that your patients know and trust. They are going to receive these treatments so why not do it for them!

"It makes my day when I get to do extra services for my patients and they come back and say my eyes and skin has never looked or felt this good!"
- Dr. Christensen


We do extensive research on our Doctor Partners. We require that all Partners have a modern approach to their healthcare facility and their level of care. Understanding the importance of self-care and how it improves how our patients think about themselves - improving their mindset and physical appearance - is crucial to being a Doctor Partner. 

We have high expectations that all our Doctor Partners are well-liked and positive feedback by our patients is key to our partnership.



Do you have an empty room of a doctor lane that is not being used?

We would love to have you as a Doctor Partner if you agree to the aforementioned. This is an amazing investment opportunity to take an empty exam room or extra doctor lane and diversify your practice. The aesthetic industry is rapidly growing and we are living longer. Taking care of our body and face physically and improving our mental health is key to aging! 

Here’s what we do…we are physicians first, business partners second.

We picked expert quality clinical skincare lines to treat all types of skin concerns and conditions including sensitive skin, even skin going through chemotherapy, pregnancy, vegan diets. We wanted a progressive approach to meeting our patients' skincare needs.